Welcome. I am so glad you stopped by!

My name is Alyssa Esparaz. I am passionate about crafting communications to tell impactful stories that inspire. I am a writer, speaker and professional communicator.

My career and education

I work at Compassion Canada as Content and Public Relations Manager. I started at Compassion nearly a decade ago as an intern, and it’s still unbelievable to me the incredible opportunities for impact I’ve been afforded since the very first days of my career. Each day, I get to contribute towards ending child poverty around the world and seeing lives transformed.

I am a graduate of the University of Toronto’s Centre for Critical Development Studies (now Department of Global Development Studies), where I studied International Development with minors in Anthropology and Political Science. Currently, I am completing a Master of Communications Management degree at McMaster University. In between undergrad and grad school, I completed a Certificate in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and an Award of Achievement in Anti-Racism at the University of British Columbia.

What to expect in this space

Writing (and more specifically, blogging) is my first love. I don’t get to do it nearly as much as I’d like in my personal time anymore! That said, you can expect the occasional personal essay about current events, pop culture and/or social justice.

Other stuff about me

I am Chinese-Filipino-Canadian and live just outside of Toronto, Canada. Outside of work and school, you can find me speedcubing (mostly organizing or communicating, sometimes solving), travelling, playing or watching basketball, eating ice cream, obsessing over the latest from Star Wars or Taylor Swift, or spending time with friends and family.

Connect with me

I’d love to connect! You can find me on LinkedIn (for the professional stuff), Instagram (for the personal stuff) and X/Twitter (mostly for commentary on sports and Star Wars).

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Trying to bring a bit more justice + joy into the world.


Crafting communications that inspire.